Archive | July, 2015
Healthy and happy volunteering roles

Healthy and happy volunteering roles

Cambuslang & Rutherglen – Do you have a spare two to three hours a week? Would you like to help older people living in your community? ReConnect is an exciting new project and is currently recruiting volunteers who can help to tackle isolation which affects so many in our local community. The volunteer would help […]

Double whammy of exercise programmes signal new era of partnership working

Double whammy of exercise programmes signal new era of partnership working

A double whammy of exercise programmes that have proven to be a real tonic for older people in South Lanarkshire have come into sharp focus in a new film.   The projects, which included strength and balance classes and an innovative walking initiative, were launched by Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire (VASLan) as part of the […]

Roadshow's highlight augmentative and alternative communication work

Roadshow’s highlight augmentative and alternative communication work

A series of road shows have highlighted the successes of NHS Lanarkshire’s campaign to improve services for those who use ‘augmentative and alternative communication’ (AAC). AAC can include various methods that can support or get around problems that an individual might have with speaking or understanding information. These range from simple systems such as pictures, […]

Health film could help police gather evidence on sexual offence crimes

Health film could help police gather evidence on sexual offence crimes

An innovative animated film could help the police gather more evidence on sexual offence crimes. ‘Trauma and the Brain’ explains the physiological and psychological impact abuse or violent assault can have on a person and how it can result in them having difficulty recalling information. For those attempting to gather evidence, this can present challenges, and in […]

Nurse makes her mark on construction work

Nurse makes her mark on construction work

Everyone expects architects and engineers to be involved in construction. However, NHS Lanarkshire is going one step further by involving doctors and nurses too. Nicola Ruddy is a senior nurse and clinical adviser to the Monklands Hospital investment team. Nicola said: “It is important to ensure that, whether it is a new or refurbished healthcare […]