Archive | February, 2017
Tackling milk allergy in children

Tackling milk allergy in children

The Dietetic Department has created a new cow’s milk protein allergy pathway. It’s designed to manage young children within primary care who have mild to moderate symptoms caused by their allergy. Paediatric dietitian Kathryn Kerr said: “Many professionals seek advice and support in managing infants under their care. There is also significant variability in knowledge […]

Healthy Start vitamins for mums and tots

Healthy Start vitamins for mums and tots

Our health improvement team are working to increase the use of Healthy Start vitamins, which are now free for all pregnant women in Lanarkshire. Specially formulated for maternal health, the NHS-approved vitamins contain: folic acid, which can reduce the chances of a baby being born with spina bifida; vitamin C to help maintain healthy tissue […]