Archive | November, 2019
University Hospital Monklands sign PO crop

Do you have a nomination for a new site for University Hospital Monklands?

NHS Lanarkshire is inviting our staff and the public to submit nominations for alternative sites for the new University Hospital Monklands. During January 2020, NHS Lanarkshire will be embarking on the next phase of the project and would like input from the local community about where the hospital could be located in line with a […]

Healthy Working Lives logo

Your feedback could win you a great prize

Today (Monday 4 November) sees the launch of NHS Lanarkshire’s Healthy Working Lives (HWL) staff health, safety and well-being survey.  Your feedback will help bring new things, but also keep the things you currently enjoy like walking challenges and complimentary therapies. Your opinion counts, so please take 10 minutes to fill out the survey.  You […]