‘Discover’ how we’re performing compared to our peers

'Discover' how we're performing compared to our peers

Managers are being invited discover the benefits of NSS Discovery- a specialist service-planning and delivery system.

Dr Nelson Kennedy, from NHS National Services, is currently working with NHS Lanarkshire to highlight the system and encourage conversations on data intelligence and insights.

Nelson explained: “NSS Discovery can help managers to review performance, benchmark against ‘peer’ hospitals and services in Scotland, England and Wales, and identify areas where resources can be targeted to address health and care needs at a local level.

“Managers can contact me to discuss how NSS Discovery can support performance and quality improvement and help to determine why their procedures and outcomes are different to those of peers, and what local factors influence how these can be changed to achieve improvement.”

Nelson is offering one-hour NSS Discovery clinics and will be available for one-to-one or group discussions. He can be contacted at nelson.kennedy@nhs.net. For more information on NSS Discovery visit www.nssdiscovery.scot.nhs.uk.

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