New Monklands – First stage of site options evaluation is completed

University Hospital Monklands sign PO crop

A group of staff and members of the public have concluded the first stage of a postal scoring process to evaluate the three site options for a new, state-of-the-art University Hospital Monklands.

The participants have assessed the five non-financial “benefits criteria” that will be used to score the sites, indicating their view of the importance of each one in comparison with the others – a process known as “weighting”. To do this they allocated each criterion a percentage value, to total 100 per cent across all five.

Independent public engagement specialists at the Consultation Institute (tCI), who are managing the postal scoring exercise, have collated all of the responses and calculated the overall weightings, using a method to ensure proportionate representation from geographical locations and staff groups.

The final weightings are as follows:

Criterion Weighting
1 Travel times by road and public transport (patients) 31.10%
2 Travel times by road and public transport (staff) 22.96%
3 Access/connectivity to NHS regional centres 19.27%
4 Contamination (each of the possible sites requires a degree of work to remove contamination left over from its previous use) 14.47%
5 Impact of cross-border flow (ie patients from Glasgow attending the hospital) 12.20%
Total 100%

NHS Lanarkshire director of property, planning and performance Colin Lauder said: “A total of 174 people submitted weighting results and we’d like to thank all of them for taking the time to study and consider the weighting information pack they were sent before they did so.”

In the second part of the postal process, which is now underway, participants will be sent a detailed information pack that will assist them to objectively score the three site options – (alphabetically) Gartcosh, Glenmavis and Wester Moffat – against all five criteria.

They will return their results to tCI, who will calculate final scores for each site option, taking into account the criteria weightings and applying proportionate representation from geographical locations and staff groups, published on the Monklands Replacement Project (MRP) webpage – CLICK HERE.

Colin Lauder added: “All the participants are being invited to take part in the second stage, and we’d be grateful to them if they would read the site information pack they will be sent and then submit their score sheet to tCI.

“The outcome of scoring will not be a final decision on a hospital location. It will be only one factor which will be considered by NHS Lanarkshire’s Board, along with all of the other evidence collected during public and staff engagement, in identifying a preferred option for the new site.”

The postal scoring process is expected be completed during August.

Published on the MRP webpage –

  • The weighting and scoring information packs for participants;
  • Frequently asked questions to assist participants;
  • A table showing scoring participant proportions.


The postal process will provide a score for the non-financial benefits of the sites. NHS Lanarkshire will then undertake an exercise to assess the financial benefits by incorporating the overall project cost for each site. This will be published in a report on the scoring process to inform a two-week public feedback period after scoring.

The Board’s preferred option for a site will be a recommendation to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman, who will make a final decision on the location of the new hospital.

The scoring process and associated documentation have been developed in conjunction with Healthcare Improvement Scotland – Community Engagement, which supports the engagement of people and communities in shaping health and care services. The postal security aspects of the process have been advised by the Electoral Commission.

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