Retirement tributes at the double in renal service

Retirement tributes at the double in renal service

There was a double celebration when Frances Burke and Elizabeth (Betty) Hill retired.

Both Frances (pictured right), a palliative nurse specialist, and Betty, a charge nurse, were attached to the renal services at Monklands Hospital and, between them, amassed a remarkable 56 years’ service.

Frances began her career at Monklands Hospital and later moved to Wester Moffat Hospital where she remained for a number of years.  Frances moved into palliative care medicine in 2002, a specialty in which she remained until her retirement.

Betty began her career at Stonehouse Hospital.  After taking time to have her family, Betty undertook a diploma in nursing.  On qualifying, Betty was appointed to the renal unit at Monklands, a post she held until her retirement.

Elizabeth lives in Coalburn and has two daughters and a son.

Frances lives in Denny and has sisters and a brother who live nearby with their families.

Colleague Alan Sommerville said: “Both Frances and Betty have given a lengthy service in renal services and will be missed by both staff and patients.”

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