Symposium for mental health

Symposium for mental health

The 2016 Lanarkshire Symposium for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities was held in the Strathclyde Hilton in Bellshill.

The educational event, organised by Dr Khalid Nawab, clinical director in adult mental health, has become a regular feature in the clinical mental health calendar and regularly gets in excess of 100 health professionals from all over Scotland and other parts of the UK.

Among the range of topics discussed were: autism and serious offending; tailoring schizophrenia treatments for ethnic minority patients; the neurobiology of depression and targets for pharmacotherapy; a Fife perspective of a functioning of an intellectual disability assessment and treatment unit; and the reality of partial response in depression – identification, assessment and strategies to reach functional recovery.

Dr Nawab said: “Once again we had a very impressive line-up of speakers who covered a wide range of topics and I would like to thank them all for taking the time to share their considerable expertise with all the delegates.”

The next symposium is planned for November and details will be announced nearer the time.

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