The 5 a day Challenge! How many fruit and vegetables do you eat a day?

New year, new YOU!

This January, we are setting you a challenge…to increase the number of fruit and vegetables you eat each day! We will provide you with quick and easy ways to do this for you and your family. So go on, give it a try and see how much better you feel at the end of the month!

Five reasons to eat five portions of fruit and veg:

  • Fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C and potassium.
  • They’re an excellent source of dietary fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.
  • They can help to reduce your risk of heart diseasestroke and some cancers.
  • Fruit and vegetables contribute to a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Fruit and vegetables taste delicious and there’s so much variety to choose from.

More information can be found at  http://firstport2/staff-support/healthy-working-lives/default.aspx

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