Dignity at Work survey

Dignity at Work survey

A Dignity at Work Survey will take place throughout NHSScotland from the 6th until the 27th November 2017.

This survey together with iMatter national results will provide a comprehensive picture of staff experience.  The Dignity at Work survey will give staff the opportunity to anonymously express how they feel about dignity at work in their organisation and will cover subjects which are not directly addressed through iMatter – bullying and harassment, abuse and violence from patients and the public, resourcing and whistleblowing.

The survey is available online or as a paper version and should take around 5 minutes to complete.

The survey will be run by Webropol using the NHSScotland Employee Engagement IT Portal, which is the system used to run iMatter.

Staff will be invited to complete the survey in the same format (online or paper) that they requested for iMatter.  Webropol will distribute the online survey to staff via an email link. This email will be sent from messages-noreply@webropolsurveys.com.

Paper copies will be distributed to staff by team managers and staff will post their completed paper surveys directly to Webropol in a pre-paid envelope, which will be available from a number of designated locations.

The survey will also include questions about ethnicity, gender and age and staff can choose to answer all or some of these.

As the organisation is committed to ensure that no member of staff is unfairly discriminated against whilst at work, these responses will help identify trends or patterns which may be a cause for concern.

Survey responses will be confidential.  No-one in the organisation will be able to identify individual responses.

Results will be published in the NHSScotland Staff Experience Report in February 2018, alongside national iMatter results. National, Board and Directorate results will be available.  NHS Lanarkshire will receive reports for the organisation and each Directorate.  Directorate level is the lowest level of information available; therefore, no team reports will be produced.


Most of the previous technical issues with the Dignity at Work survey have now been resolved.

Please email Geraldine.Reilly@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk if you are still experiencing any of the following issues:

  • You have not received an email link to the survey

  • You cannot open your email link

  • When you attempt to complete the survey, you receive a message saying you have already done so

Please include your email address and the name of the iMatter team that you belong to.


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