Money matters

As part of their commitment to supporting staff, NHS Lanarkshire want to ensure that all staff have access to the right information and advice when it comes to financial security and avoiding money worries.  Over August, the Healthy Working Lives Campaign will highlight where to go for practical information and support on money issues and ways of making your money go further.


What’s the issue?

It’s easy to put off reviewing everyday money issues, however getting the basics right can give us a sound basis to get the most out of life and cope with less predictable times.  Being able to manage our income and avoid overspending concerns us all, but can be especially difficult for those on a low income and receiving benefits.

The introduction of Universal Credit has had a significant impact on many people and uncertainty around benefits or possible reductions in their value, has left many people struggling to cope with daily expenses and fearful of getting into debt.

The good news is, help is available.


What is NHS Lanarkshire doing to help?

As an organisation, NHS Lanarkshire it is committed to the delivery of an action plan to promote financial security and mitigate the impact of welfare reform changes affecting staff and service users.

Central to this is the need to ensure that all NHS Lanarkshire employees, particularly staff on lower incomes and those affected by the ongoing changes to benefits, have access to up to date information and the most effective advice and support to enable them to maximise their income and increase financial security.

Further Information is available on Firstport at: http://firstport2/staff-support/healthy-working-lives/default.aspx


You can also download the FREE app Lanarkshire Money Worries on App Store or Google Play via the following link –

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