Celebrating mentorship

Celebrating mentorship

The NHS Clinical Learning Quality Team recently hosted back to back events bringing recognition and thanks to the NHS Lanarkshire workforce.

 The Healthcare Support Worker conference and Celebrating Mentorship conference, held at Dalziel Park Motherwell, were attended by over 200 delegates, guests and speakers over two dates earlier this year.

The events
featured a number of key speakers from NHS Education for Scotland, University of the West of Scotland and Glasgow Caledonian University, as well as workshops and interactive sessions which were well received by delegates.

The highlight of both events was the inspiring stories and sharing of good practice from a number of NHS Lanarkshire employees

throughout the day.  Speakers included Healthcare Support Workers, registered nursing and midwifery mentors, as well as

student nurses and senior management.


Irene Barkby, NMAHP Executive Director, participated in both days – “It was a great privilege to spent time with staff at both events. Hearing first hand their experiences and engaging directly with many”.  “Understanding staff issues is crucial when representing staff and as such I would like to thank those involved in making these days possible and more importantly for the openness, honesty and contributions of all participants”.


Angela Cassells, Clinical Learning Quality Team Lead, who led the steering groups for the events commented – “Both conferences were a great success, with NHS Lanarkshire staff demonstrating many examples of innovate practice

contributing to the enhancement of person centred care delivery within NHS Lanarkshire.”

You can see more from both events on twitter by using the hash tags



For information around Healthcare Support Worker development, mentorship or post registration qualifications, please contact the Practice Development Centre on 01698 201404 or email practice.development@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk.



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